Shipping Information

Dear Customers, we ship worldwide.

USPS is state post service.
Delivery inside country normally takes 2-5 business days. If world situation changes, like pandemic and other force-majeure circumstances, delays may happen. USPS also provides Express delivery all around the world. Delivery time depends on destination and may take up to 15-25 days.


We do our best to pack items you have purchased as safe as only possible. For this we use high quality packing materials. We do understand it will go far. It is very important for us to know and be sure you will get the order in its perfect condition.


We know how important it is to know where your parcel is. Each carrier provides us with special business account where we get updates online about every order. We send notifications when your parcel was shipped, providing with tracking number information. Second notification is when your sending passed registration in your country. And last one is when parcel was delivered.


If your order meets delay in delivery, please don't worry and contact us to get more information. Usually, delays happen when situation in the world changes, like pandemic or other force-majeure circumstances. In this case governments limit avia delivery between countries and post services have to use alternative ways to deliver parcels, like ships. It obviously takes more time than estimated, but arrives successfully anyway. We are powerless to influence governmental decisions, but we will keep you informed about any updates.


Sometimes we get notification that parcel was shipped back as Unclaimed. It means that nobody came to get the sending and keeping period ended. Usually it is about 18-30 days. If it happened with your order, we contact you immediately and decide what to do next. In this case we have two options - ship again or refund. If you choose to ship again, please note it will cost the same price, depending on carrier. If you choose refund, we will refund you fully.
