Refund policy


When package ships internationally, it may be a subject to import taxes, customs duties, and/or fees imposed by the destination country. These charges are typically due once the package arrives in the destination country. Depending on the country, the buyer may be required to pay these charges at the time of delivery.

​Customs fees are placed on physical goods that are imported into a country from another country or territory.

In general, the buyer is responsible for paying the additional costs such as duties, taxes, and customs clearance fees.

The amounts can vary widely and are often based on the price and type of item, package weight and dimensions, origin country, and the taxes, duties, and fees of the destination country.

​If a buyer and a seller are located in different countries, we inform buyers that additional duties and taxes (such as those charged at customs) may apply. This is to make it clear to buyers that they may be responsible for paying these additional fees.

Please contact your local customs office to find out your next steps as you may need to pay additional charges.
